DISK-COUNT SOFTWARE, INC. PRODUCT INFORMATION The next few pages provide summary descriptions of our other programs. Also included is a price list and an order form. You can call our 800 number or mail in the order. PRODUCT SUMMARIES Home/Personal Productivity Series Business and Personal File System Provides printed labels and records for your mailing and phone contact information. Records to be printed can be sorted by either user-specified category code or zip (postal) code. Printed output includes full listings, "rotary" (Rolodex) cards, 3" x 5" file cards, and mailing labels. Individual records can be updated and printed. A printer is required. (IBM: Product Number CF101, Apple: BP204 - 128K memory, Mousetext, 80 column card required). Credit Card Accounting System Ideal for the person with several credit cards that are used for either personal or business purchases, or both. Provides for classifying and analyzing your charges for reporting and budgeting purposes. Summary and detailed reports, such as for your expense accounts, can be printed. A printer is required. (IBM: CF103). Document File System Keeps track of your stocks, bonds, insurance policies, deeds, and other important documents. Sorts and lists by documentation title, date, location, and other relevant information. Prints reports that you can use for many purposes, including exhibits for personal and business financial statements. A printer is required. (IBM: CF104). Video Tape File System For those who keep a library of video tapes, this system will organize favorite films by title, actors, and other information. Labels include tape number, date, and up to five titles with run time and counter location. A printer position index field is provided for easy printer set-up. Your own tape library reference catalog can be developed, and printed, to include all of the above information, plus categories for subject and ratings. A printer is required. (IBM: CF105, Apple: VT 206 - 128K memory, Mousetext, 80 column card required). Š Page 1 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Complete Network Builder This program provides you with an electronic address book, rotary card file, and contact notebook. Files can be searched and selected by key words and sorted by categories to create and print your phone, mailing and membership lists and directories. Prints mailing labels and envelopes. Using a modem, a series of your most used phone numbers can be automatically dialed, and re- dialed when busy. (IBM: NB106). Recall! (The memory jogging fact finder) This program is very easy to operate. Information can be stored by using a single-stroke command - and then retrieved by typing in any key word. Information is entered and stored in plain English words and sentences. Information is quickly brought to the screen by entering any key word you recall among those stored for each information entry. (IBM: RE108). Word Processor A powerful but easy use word processor for beginning and intermediate users, and for the more experienced, as well. It is extremely easy to use, and a 20-page manual explains all. High rate of text production - stays ahead of fastest typists. Full 24-line "What you see is what you get" display. Provides editing to 136 columns. Allows you to access special features of any printer, including fonts, underline, superscripts, and others. provides word wrap, paragraph realignment, right justification, variable margins, adjustment tabs, file merges, and global searches. Allows editing of control and extended characters. Help screens provided. (IBM: WP120). Personal Banking Reconciler This program helps you keep track of using the many banking services available, such as 24-hour automatic teller machines, pay-by-phone, bank debit cards, checking overdraft protection, and many others. By also tracking the conventional transactions in checking and savings accounts, complete reconciling of all accounts is now possible. The personal banking reconciler provides you a printed account status report, including current balances at any time, without waiting for monthly bank statements. (IBM: PB123). Shopping Basket This program adds excitement to your supermarket shopping. It saves you time and money by helping to organize and plan shopping trips. By scanning, via the computer screen, a wide range of possible grocery and other items, categorized and priced by you, a shopping list is created and printed. An estimated total cost of items on the shopping list lets you budget purchases prior to departing for the store. The printed shopping list can also help to organize coupons for further Š reducing your shopping costs. (Apple: SB201). Page 2 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Meal Planner Excitement is added to your meal planning by randomly selecting favorite dishes for the week. Meal planner includes a number of recipes and provides for the entry of your favorite others. The program will calculate the needed recipe ingredients required for large or small groups. A summary grocery list can automatically be prepared and printed for the weeks dining pleasure. Meal Planner can also search recipes by ingredients to aid in planning meals utilizing on-hand food supplies. (Apple: MP202). Word Magic This program provides the most cost efficient word processing software available. Easy to learn and easy to use, you can quickly reach your top typing speed. Productivity is enhanced with features such as word wrap, paragraph realignment, right justification, variable margins, adjustable tabs, file merges, global searches and others. Clean text free of non-ASCII characters is produced. The program provides flexible disk file management and undo capabilities on block deletes. All 256 characters of the IBM character set can be edited and technical editing can be performed up to 136 columns. The program also allows access to the special features of any printer, including fonts, underline, superscripts, and others. (IBM: WM140). Disk Labeler Lets you quickly and easily print labels or formatted list of your ProDOS disks. No typing of information required - all that is needed is read from the disk. Virtually an unlimited number of file names per disk available. Screen shows memory remaining as files are read into it. (Apple: DL208 - Mousetext, 80 column card required). Spreadsheet This program provides you with an easy-to-use yet powerful electronic spreadsheet and many features found only with more expensive software. SPREADSHEET has plenty of room and functionality for all of your projects. You will be able to develop a number of useful tables of rows and columns needed for financial statements, budgets. inventory lists, and other business and home applications. Features include on-screen context sensitive help, cell pointing during edit, window-style pull down menus, all conventional mathematical functions included, 2.5 million cells - 10,000 rows by 256 columns, search function, copy function, insert/delete functions (pushes existing cells down and to the right), special cut and paste capability, and variable column width. Š Page 3 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Spreadsheet (continued) A very special feature provided is numeric range color control. This feature lets you choose different digit and background color combinations for different ranges of values. For example, you can have all negative numbers appear as red on a white background. (IBM: SS126). Requires at least 384K of memory. Personal Possessions Inventory This program lets you itemize and track jewelry, art objects, electronic equipment, furniture, and other household and personal possessions. You can include original price, purchase date, serial number, and other important information. List items by category, e.g., 'furniture', 'electronics equipment', etc. and by location, e.g., 'living room', 'dining room', etc. This program is especially useful for providing information to substantiate insurance claims for fire, theft and other losses. This program's listing can also be used to calculate total value of possessions when making net worth estimates. (IBM: PP127, Apple: PP209 - Mousetext, 80 column card required). Home/Small Business Finance Series Multiple Checkbook Accounting System Your various checkbooks can be balanced and managed. Each checkbook can have numerous user-defined accounts. Printed reports include daily, monthly, quarterly, and year-end summaries for reconciliation and tax preparation purposes. Checks can be printed using continuous form checks that can be ordered. A printer is required. (IBM: CF102, Apple: CK205 - 128K memory, Mousetext, 80 column card required). Budget and Income Forecaster This program provides for setting and analyzing your home and small business budgets. Information on income, expenses, and debts is used to prepare and print a cash flow forecast for any desired period. This planning keeps your infrequent payments, such as those for insurance premiums and property taxes, from becoming "surprise" strains on the budget. This program also provides amortization schedules for debt accounts and has interactive loan analysis and modeling features. (IBM: BI107). Auto Expenser This program provides for keeping track of your vehicle mileage and expenses. It is ideal for home and small business use when auto expenses must be recorded and documented for your income tax purposes. Expense data can be sorted and printed by several user-defined categories, including trip purposes, persons contacted, fuel, maintenance, and parking. (IBM: AE124, Apple: AE203 - 128K memory, 80 column card required). Š Page 4 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Personal Tax Filer An easy to use program that will save you time and money in filing your federal income taxes. The Personal Tax Filer prints the 12 most commonly used IRS forms (1040, 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 8615) and schedules (A, B, C, D, E, and SE). This program eliminates the need for understanding complex IRS language. It performs fast, accurate and automatic calculations, eliminating the most common mathematical filing errors. The program even presents on-screen a running total of taxes owed (or refund coming), giving the impact of each entry. (IBM: TF150). Utility Series On-Screen DOS Assistant Help is available to you for using 54 common DOS commands by typing "Help". Information can be displayed on screen or printed out. The program can be copied onto DOS diskette for even greater convenience (only takes 22K on disk). Eliminates the need for you to constantly refer to a DOS manual. (IBM: DA121). Communication Series Connect! This program provides an easy way to connect your computer and modem to many information sources. Connect! has the ability to capture the data viewed on the screen and save it in a file for printing or editing. Files can also be transferred between two computer systems connected directly with an RS232 cable. Selective baud rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. (IBM: CO122). Contact! This is a smart terminal program. It is used with a modem to connect your computer to the exciting world of electronic information services, to computer bulletin boards, or to other individual computers. CONTACT is an autodialer and a terminal, and it can capture text from the screen or echo it to the printer. Disk files can be sent or received using the error- detecting Xmodem protocol. CONTACT is easy for a new user, but not cumbersome for the experienced. The command menu always shows the current status. The cursor and function keys are used to select different menu choices. Baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. Com1 or Com2 port. Select word length, parity, and stop bits. And many other features. (IBM: CO125). Education Series Math Exercises This program is ideal for expanding and supplementing math Š instruction. It lets you design a range of math exercises for class assignments or individual tutoring. Problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be quickly created. Page 5 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Math Exercises (continued) Math worksheets and answers are printed out separately. You set the size of the numbers and specify the number of decimal places. (Apple: ME210 - 128K memory, Mousetext, 80 column card required). Market Watcher Series Portfolio Manager This program helps to update and manage your securities portfolio (Stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, treasury notes). Its many features let you easily track and record all buy and sell transactions. A detailed tax report is created to support income tax calculations and filings. Other printed reports provide a clear history of all transactions and changes for the portfolio, with virtually an unlimited number of securities. Using the optional modem feature, this program provides for updating portfolio prices using the DOW/JONES NEWS RETRIEVAL SERVICE. (IBM: MW110). Data Base Series Disk-Count Software offers a unique concept in data base management software. Its First Base product is a flat file (single file) manager which can later be expanded with an upgrade module to First Base Plus, a multi-file data base system. As a user's data base applications become more complex, the initial systems developed with First Base will be completely compatible with First Base Plus. Both are fast, easy-to-learn programs that provide all the essential tools you'll need for file management, at an affordable price. Both programs have the following file and speed characteristics: o Unlimited number of data files. Up to 1,000,000 records per file, 6,000 characters per record, 99 fields per record. One to 5 fields per record key. Six data types: character, decimal, numeric, time, Gregorian date and Julian date. o Less than one second to find a record in any size file. Sorts 5,000 records in less than four minutes. Sorts 50,000 records in less than 90 minutes. First Base Use FIRST BASE in your office to develop name and address files, create customer and supplier lists, track expenses, develop inventory and other systems. FIRST BASE can also be used at home, for example, to develop personal phone directories; book and video files, listed by various categories; and updating a personal possessions inventory for insurance purposes. FIRST BASE provides all of the basic functions for defining files, entering and updating data, query (retrieve and analyze stored information), and reporting data. FIRST BASE is menu- driven, which, if you are a novice PC user, lets you quickly develop applications without doing any programming. Page 6 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 FIRST BASE (continued) Other features include: fully integrated system, on-screen help messages, user-defined screen color combinations, passwords and data security (encryption), self-documenting through automatic printouts of screen and report formats and file definitions, "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) report formats, and add, display, update, delete and search all on the same screen. (IBM: FB128) 320K memory required. First Base Upgrade Module If you have ALREADY purchased FIRST BASE, this module will upgrade it to the power and functionality of FIRST BASE PLUS, capable of using more than one file at a time for updating and other tasks. (IBM: FB129). First Base Plus This is a fast, full-featured data base system. If you are a novice PC user, its clean design and functionality will let you develop applications quickly and easily. Yet FIRST BASE PLUS provides the experienced user with the capability and power needed to design and operate complex, multi-file applications. The key to this flexibility is a choice of system levels for application development. With FIRST BASE PLUS, you have a menu option of using the basic file management system, utilizing system-defined displays and report writers. Or for complex applications, you can use the advanced system multi-file capability, with screens and reports that you create. Examples of basic file management applications (where one file at a time is accessed) include updating a home inventory of possessions or a business price list. Advanced applications usually involve updating several files at a time, such as when a supplier changes a price, and you must revise your price list, inventory value, and supplier records at the same time. FIRST BASE PLUS provides functions for defining files, entering and updating data, queries (retrieving and analyzing stored information), reporting, and multi-file maintenance. It also enables you to create menus that perform the applications you develop. Menu-driven, FIRST BASE PLUS also provides you with a memory-aid method (mnemonics) for quick, direct branching between programs. Features include all of those for FIRST BASE and the following: Updates five data files simultaneously. Reports can include numerous files,provides arithmetic operations on dates and time, can import and export text and delimited files. Programs provided include file definition, two update programs, data file queries, two report writers, global operations, user defined menus, spread sheet, mailing labels, system utilities. (IBM: FB130) 320K memory required. Page 7 Disk-Count Software, Inc. - Product Information 1/88 Games of Chance Series Escape to Vegas Play the popular Las Vegas machine games of Blackjack, Poker, and Keno on the computer. Vegas machine features are provided, such as variable number of coins and displays of house rules and payouts. Improve on personal Blackjack strategies with on-screen consultation provided if requested. Playing instructions are provided on-screen. (IBM: EV130, Apple: EV207). Page 8 PRODUCT LIST 1/1/88 Home/Personal Productivity Series IBM Apple Price o Business and Personal File System CF101 BP204 $9.95 o Video Tape File System CF105 VT206 $9.95 o Credit Card Accounting System CF103 NA $9.95 o Document File System CF104 NA $9.95 o Complete Network Builder NB106 NA $9.95 o Recall! RE108 NA $9.95 o Word Processor WP120 NA $9.95 o Personal Banking Reconciler PB123 NA $9.95 o Shopping Basket NA SB201 $9.95 o Meal Planner NA MP202 $9.95 o Disk Labeler NA DL208 $9.95 o Spreadsheet SS126 NA $14.95 o Personal Possessions Inventory PP127 PP209 $14.95 o Word Magic WM140 NA $24.95 Home/Small Business Finance Series o Multiple Checkbook Accounting System CF102 CK205 $9.95 o Auto Expenser AE124 AE203 $9.95 o Budget and Income Forecaster BI107 NA $9.95 o Personal Tax Filer TF150 NA $39.95 Utility Series o On-Screen DOS Assistant DA121 NA $9.95 Communications Series o Connect! CO122 NA $9.95 o Contact! CO125 NA $29.95 Education Series o Math Exercises NA ME210 $9.95 Market Watcher Series o Portfolio Manager MW110 NA $34.95 Data Base Series o First Base FB128 NA $79.95 o First Base Upgrade Module FB129 NA $99.95 o First Base Plus FB130 NA $149.95 Games of Chance Series o Escape to Vegas EV130 EV207 $29.95 ORDERING INFORMATION Minimum order is $25.00 plus shipping and handling charge. Place orders by calling 1-800-331-6902, ext. 66 (24 hours a day) using your credit card or order by mail below. __________________________________________________________________ Disk-Count Software, Inc. P.O. Box 141073 925 Delaware Street S.E., Dept. 66 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414-1073 Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City_________________________State________Zip_______ __________________________________________________________ Item Unit Number Qty Item Title Price Total ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Please check desired diskette size 5-1/4" _____ 3-1/2" _____ ___________________________________________________________ Subtotal ___________ Minnesota Residents Add 6% Sales Tax ___________ Shipping and Handling $5.00 Total____________ ____Mastercard ____VISA ____Money Order ____Check ____Check No. Credit Card No._________________________Expiration Date_________ Signature (for credit card orders)_______________________________